Business Skills Communication Training for Native Speakers of English 

Get real results by quickly rewiring behaviour to improve communication in meetings. 
Business meetings held in English with international colleagues and clients can be difficult. 

Poor communication will delay progress, increase risk, and hurt business. 
English might be the global language, but evidence shows that communication breakdown is routinely caused by English native-speakers in international meetings. 
Inclusivity can be demonstrated linguistically by native speakers of English. You can make an immediate and positive impact by learning practical communication techniques. 
     •  Unlock the benefits of improved inclusion in meetings. 
     •  Bridge the communication gap with easy-to-implement tools. 
     •  Improve productivity and performance with better borderless collaboration. 

According to Deloitte, when companies have inclusive cultures, they are eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes. 
Contact Red ELT for information on Business Skills Communication Training for Native Speakers of English.
